Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dogs-Mans Best Friend?

Where did dogs come from? Many theories trace the dogs of today back to the wild wolf packs of a prehistoric date. If this is the truth, it probably came to pass that an Indian tribe found an abandoned wolf cub. It would be centuries of breeding and captivity before the "wolves" would be tame. (There is a lot of evidence supporting this theory. Wolves and most dogs are still so close they can produce viable offspring. Call of the Wild, anyone?)
Anyway, so through even more time and breeding the dog was shaped and refined to a dozen different designs and uses. They also grew closer to men-some losing their hunting skills and needing humans to survive. So things like Dog houses, Greenies Dog Food Coupons, play toys, and veterinarians came into being.
So whether dogs came from fierce packs of hunters or no, they are a very important part of our lives today.